Thursday 28 July 2011

Moslem Brotherhood ex-leader Mohamed Akef reiterates MB aims: to re-establish the islamic caliphate in Europe and destroy Israel

Former leader of the Moslem Brotherhood and holocaust denier Mohamed Mahdi Akef

alludes in Jordan to the re-establishment of the islamic caliphate and says that “the liberation of Jerusalem starts from the Arab capitals”. In other words, he is calling for the overthrow of moderate arab regimes and their peace treaties with Israel ( secular egyptian parties such as the Wafdhave also called for the abrogation of Egypt's peace treaty with Israel)

Mohamed Mahdi Akef former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and holocaust denier
addressing the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Labour Party in Jordan made a thinly veiled call for the tearing up of the peace treaties between Israel's two arab neighbours Jordan and Egypt and for the extension of Sharia law there.

The Muslim Brotherhood treads carefully both in Jordan and Egypt where it has to show itself as 'moderate' when expressing itself in public. It is therefore necessary to examine its statements carefully as they will not nowadays be openly anti-semitic or even openly espouse their anti-democratic sentiments. Islamist aspirations are couched in humanistic terminology and that of liberation from oppression.

To understand what the Muslim Brotherhood is really about one must scratch below the surface of such comments, to understand the historical allusions such as to the “virtuous Mujahideen and the Almoravids and the defenders of Jerusalem and the Palestinian issue.” The deeper meanings then become apparent, that the Muslim Brotherhood has not changed, that the goal is for the islamists to first conquer the arab world and then establish the caliphate in europe, to islamify the west.

The reference to the medieval Almoravids that built an empire that extended from Africa to Spain and Portugal is very well understood by Mohamed Mahdi Akef's islamist audience. And that is why the Jordanian authorities keep their version of the MB under tight control.

If only the same could be said for the US that is poised to throw 20 billion dollars at Egypt after its elections in November, no matter which party wins (the MB in Egypt now goes by the moniker of the “Freedom and Justice Party”. This sounds very good, but the justice and freedom will be that of Sharia, a tender justice, once that excludes women and other minorities.

The MB offshoot in Gaza, Hamas points to the Egyptian future that the MB envisages for that country. It most likely won't happen as quickly or as easily in Egypt as happened with the overthrow of the corrupt Fatah party in Gaza. The process will happen more slowly through an ever deepening infiltration of egyptian society and the army, as has been happening for many years in Turkey with much success by the AKP party.

The US however seems to be clueless as regards the Muslim Brotherhood, as it has been with regard to the other islamist movements of Iran, Hezbolla and Hamas.

Rather than warn Egyptian society against the results of radicalisation, the US will reward it for this.
Instead of condemning the islamist bigotry that the deposing of Mubarak unleashed against the Copts,

Jeffrey Feltman the US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs has said that the United States will cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood, “so long as it respects the rule of democracy, minorities’ rights and human rights”, and that, “ the Brothers are part of the international community” Is he serious?

Feltman goes on to say without any proof for this that sectarian strife was caused by the Mubarak regime.

Feltman might read the following expression of Copts' worries as to sectarianism

“As bad as Copts have had it in Egypt, conditions are likely to deteriorate soon, especially if the Muslim Brotherhood takes over. “The overthrow of the Mubarak regime will not by any sense of the imagination lead to the advent of Jeffersonian democracy,” former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton recently told the Daily Caller news website. “The greater likelihood is a radical, tightly knit organization like the Muslim Brotherhood will take advantage of the chaos and seize power. … It is really legitimate for the Copts to be worried that instability will follow Mubarak’s fall and his replacement with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Copts are ambivalent about Mubarak’s ouster. “He’s the best of the worst,” Sameh Joseph, a church worker at a Coptic church in Alexandria, told a Los Angeles Times reporter. “Whoever comes after him might want to destroy us.””

And this explains why the US is losing credibility throughout the world. Under Obama's watch the US has gone from being seen as a country that will stand by its allies and resist extremist crusading islam to being seen as undermining its moderate arab and islamic allies and whitewashing its enemies in the hope that they will go away or at least moderate their stance. Recently Obama's hacks have been trying to peddle the myth of a 'moderate' Taliban as well. The lie is given to this by the assassinations in Kandahar of Karzai's brother and governor there, along with Kandahar's mayor, not to mention the constant killings of Nato and US troops.

No wonder the egyptian military is negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood. They see the writing on the wall.

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